
Food poisoning and baby sloths

I keep on saying how unexciting my life is at this point, and how routine things have become, yet I keep on having interesting events happen to me.

This blog post will be short and sweet. I have been at home sick for the last two days, trying to get over food poisoning. While I was dying in my bed, and my fever was on a rollercoaster between 99.5F and 100.8F, the center kept on running fine, and one of my friends left for Holland. I traded her good bye party for puking in a toilet.
So now, when I go back tomorrow, I will be alone in the nursery with Encar, which means, I get to take care of the baby sloths, and feed the baby birds/ squirrels. It's very exciting for me, as the last time I bottle fed a baby animal over a year ago, and a kitten.
I haven't had a chance to truly experience the bottle fedding as I have been dealing with puking, stomach cramps and fever, all the way up until today. All the while finishing up seasons of Mad Men, Archer and It's always sunny.

Two nights ago, I decided it was a good idea to change up my diet a bit and go eat Chinese food. As someone mentioned "Chinese food in Costa Rica... riiight." Yes. It was delicious, all the way up until 4 AM when I puked it all back up. Luckily, the next day was my day off, and I could enjoy my cozy bed, my fan and the proximity to the bathroom. As I kept taking my temperature every once in awhile, I noticed that after long hours of napping, my fever was on the high end, while after being awake, it went down. Unfortunately, my naps were unpredictable and delirious. I drank about 4 bottles of water and a powerade, and I finally felt that I needed to eat some food. I went downstairs, where the whole staff had been informed of my condition, and they had mashed potatoes ready for me. I sat miserable at the restaurant, where the bartender (Katya) had prepared a special cocktail (Lemon, salt and club soda) to revive my spirit. After eating a bit of mashed potatoes, I was full, and tired. Even though, they had switched the futbol game to Spain VS France for me, and I truly wanted to watch it, I felt as if I was about to fell asleep. I paid for my meal, and made some sort of agreement on price (I am not sure what happened, but there wasnt enough change) and went upstairs to finish sleeping. I kept my food down, slept for a good 13 hours and today I feel so much better!

The tad bit I didn't mention was that after dinner, I had locked my bike and forgotten my keys. I was dragging my bike back to the hotel when a man by the supermarket stopped me and asked what happened. I giggled and embarrassed told him that I had forgotten my keys. He dragged my bike behind someone's car (who left half way through the whole procedure) and started beating the chain with two rocks. Within five minutes he had broken the lock and requested 2$ from me. I gave him 2$ and, bewildered, rode my bike home with the broken lock in my hand. Food poisoning must have kicked in because I didn't react to him breaking my lock as much as I was glad I could get to bed faster.

After all that, I got sick, so I haven't needed to ride my bike yet. Tomorrow will be the true test if I need a lock, or if someone will steal my Jamaican prize. In the mean time, enjoy this video of our two newest baby sloths that have to be fed every three hours (This is Encar feeding them, as I havent been trained to feed those delicate creatures):

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